01302 700700 hello@westdale.uk

It still looks good….even after all these years!

A tenant who lives in a Bridlington house that received a Westdale ‘makeover’ a decade ago has praised the way his home has retained its energy efficiency and outward appearance. 

Westdale were contracted to carry out the retrofit and External Wall Insulation (with ArtBrick™ Limited finish) on the properties in the resort town on Yorkshire’s east coast.

And we are delighted that the houses (pictured) continue to stand the test of time.

This Bridlington project not only delivered a continued visual appeal to the properties, but also improved their thermal efficiencies, extended their lifespan, and reduced fuel expenses.

Another key plus is mitigating any potential damp-related health issues associated with poorly insulated dwellings.

“It looks almost as good now as it did when the work was first carried out,” the tenant told us. “It shows that the stuff that’s been applied can do the job, and be long-lasting. It isn’t brick, but it certainly looks like it!

“And despite the energy crisis and the cost of living over the last few years the energy bills haven’t been too bad, although it has got harder. Things have been tough and doesn’t look to be getting easier any time soon.

“If the insulation hadn’t been done then our bills would have been much higher, I’m sure of that.

“When the work was done we were told that it [ArtBrick] would look the same even after a lot of years. Sometimes you take a lot of that stuff with a pinch of salt but in this case it is right.”

One of the gentleman’s neighbours also had no hesitation in highlighting the continued aesthetic appeal of his home.

“I was delighted with how it looked when the insulation finish was first put on, and I’ve had no reason to change my mind. My wife and I both think it still looks great.”

It is heart-warming to hear the comments of the tenants who continue to experience the benefits – and aesthetic look – of Westdale’s energy efficiency and sustainability works.

ArtBrick has been used on thousands of properties to authentically reproduce the appearance, shading and hue of real brickwork. It has helped the Westdale Group to become the most awarded EWI company in the country, with numerous awards.

We work closely with local authorities, councils, housing associations, energy companies and other contractors on social housing and commercial properties.

➡ Contact us to discuss the services we offer and how we can improve your properties.

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📧 EMAIL: hello@westdalegroup.co.uk