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The demand for heat pumps is ‘hotting up’.

Twenty-seven thousand certified heat pump installations have been registered in the first six months of 2024.

That’s a 45% increase on the same period in 2023.

A heat pump is a low carbon footprint heating option. It uses electricity to collect heat from outside in order to circulate it around your home.

The heat circulating your home from a heat pump is much more efficient than just electrical energy used to power the system.

There are things to take into consideration if you are plumping towards getting a heat pump.

➡ Do you have space for a unit to be externally fitted, which allows space for good air flow?
➡ What is your budget?
➡ There will be some (slight) noise. It is similar to a running fridge.

📢 One of our installers can talk you through the whole process and help choose and explain the best set-up to meet your budget and requirements. Contact us to find out more: https://westdale.uk/contact/