A lot has been made in recent months of the Government’s push for a ‘housing and energy revolution’.
New houses built here, new houses planned there.
There is a lot to be admired and applauded in the Government’s ambitious objectives.
But we would also urge that the worthy option of ‘saving houses’ isn’t overlooked in any future housing projects.
By ‘saving houses’ we mean doing all we possibly can to prevent properties from being torn down and demolished, if there is sufficient evidence that they can be restored into worthwhile, quality living spaces.
🏠 Refurbishment and retrofit.
🏠 Renovation and restoration.
🏠 Renew and regeneration.
By working on such properties – and applying External Wall Insulation to transform them into homes fit for the modern age – we will also be able to retain the heritage and appearance of the area. Ensuring that the landscape is pleasing to the eye.
Saving houses, not demolishing them. Cutting down on the amount of carbon. Utilising the best possibly type of insulation when you are considering the improvement of properties. Refurbishing them so they can be fit for the future. Regenerating them and giving them a new lease of life, so they can in turn provide a new lease of life for residents, boosting wellbeing and prosperity.
And applying such an attractive and fresh facade to these properties also delivers on the sustainability front. Cost-effective, of course, but also a more environmentally friendly option to demolition, creating an aesthetically pleasing and contemporary look for a fraction of the environmental impact.
The work we are doing in Broxtowe, Nottinghamshire – where we are applying EWI and retrofitting houses in and around a conservation area – is also showing just what can be done to ailing properties, transforming them so they are fit for future generations. As the deputy mayor of the area in question told us: “I had been saying for a long while that it looked like these houses would sadly have to be pulled down, so to see them now is remarkable. They are coming on a treat and have retained their heritage.”
There is a benefit to saving houses, not merely demolishing them.
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