Check the governments website to see what your homes energy rating is!
In the meantime follow some of these ideas to keep your home warm without being stung by the energy prices too hard:
- Lower your boiler flow rate from 75 degrees to 60 degrees.
- Turn off or lower radiator temperatures in rooms you’re not in or using.
- Switch off devices rather than use stand-by.
- Draught proof your home – check for gaps and cracks around windows and doors, alongside filling in cracks in floor and skirting boards.
- Wash clothes on a 30-degree cycle and try to reduce how often you wash, try mitigating one wash load a week to save money.
- Change your thermostat temperature to 17 degrees and wear a jumper should you feel a chill.
- Avoid using the tumble dryer – line dry when possible or use indoor airers.
- If you have a dishwasher, only run it once it is full to reduce the amount of water you use and reduce your usage.
- Replace less energy efficient appliances – ideally with A-rated appliances or better to see improved costs.
- Upgrade to LED lights – they are more energy efficient compared to halogen bulbs.
- Switch off lights when leaving rooms.
- Cook with the lid on to reduce cooking times.
- Wall Insulation – both loft and wall insulation can reduce energy bills and lower energy consumption. This also boosts your homes energy rating score and renews your home to be more energy efficient.
Check with your council if there’s any schemes or grants to help fund the cost of this upgrade.
We currently have a contract with Barnsley Council in order to make your home warmer and cheaper to run by providing Wall Insulation to your home. You can find out more and apply here
Can you think of any more energy saving tips we’ve missed? Let us know via our socials or comment on this post.

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