01302 700700 hello@westdale.uk

Heat Pumps

Your low carbon footprint heating option! 

What the product is

A heat pump collects heat from outside in order to circulate it around your home by using electricity. The heat circulating your home from a heat pump is much more efficient than just electrical energy used to power the system.

A heat pump is a low carbon footprint heating option.

There are several types of heat pump:


  • Air source
  • Air to air
  • Cascaded
  • Exhaust air
  • Ground source
  • Hybrid
  • Solar assisted
  • Water source

What we offer

An air source heat pump may sometimes be referred to as an air-to-water source heat pump which transfers heat from outside air to water. This heats your room via radiators or underfloor heating. Air source heat pumps can also heat water stored in a hot water cylinder for hot taps, showers and baths.

Air source heat pumps are the most common type of domestic heat pump.

Things to take into consideration if you’re deciding on getting a heat pump are as follows:

Do you have space for a unit to be externally fitted allowing for space for good air flow?

There are two types of air source heat pumps: monobloc and split systems.

A monobloc system is one single outdoor unit with pipes carrying water to the central heating system and a hot water cylinder inside your home.

A split system separates the components between indoor and outdoor units.

Your budget and space available can determine which system is best fit for your purpose.

Split systems are slightly more energy efficient because less heat will be lost because the heat transfer takes place within the building rather than externally.

The noise created from a heat pump is similar to a running fridge.

A standard heat pump does not provide hot water on demand like a combi boiler so you need a way of storing hot water for when you need it.

One of our installers can talk through the process and help choose and explain the best setup to meet your budget and requirements. Typical costs are between £7,000 to £13,000 based on the property type such as new build or existing property and whether you need a new system to distribute the heat more efficiently.

Head Office

Doncaster Road, Askern, Doncaster, DN6 9JD

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01302 700700